Serving Illinois State Employees Since 1923

Friday, July 19, 2013

SB 1910 Signed Into Law

As you may recall, earlier this year a bill was passed that exposed approximately 50 members and many more positions to potentially being removed from our bargaining unit. It exposed groups that were certified on or after December 2, 2008. In the last session we were able to get SB 1910 passed which protected nearly all of the titles exposed. Today, the Governor signed that bill into law. CMS has told us that we will meet soon to reclassify titles that were not included in SB 1910 so that they will not be removed from our bargaining units! This is a great victory for ISEA Laborer's Local  2002 and our VR-704 bargaining unit.
Thanks to the hard work of all by campaigning, making calls to legislators, and making our voices heard we are proud to say that we have saved our members.

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