Serving Illinois State Employees Since 1923

Friday, July 8, 2011

Contract Raises Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As many of you are aware, we were notified late last week of Governor Quinn’s intentions to not fulfill his end of our collective bargaining contract by refusing to pay Cost Of Living and Step Increases to many of our members.  Since this announcement, we have been working diligently to gather more information and taking crucial first steps to uphold the contract and restore its integrity.  We have sent a certified letter to Acting Director Weems at CMS, demanding a meeting with our staff to discuss the arbitrary changes being made to the contract. A grievance was served directly to the 4th level in hopes of expediting the arbitration process.  Additionally, we have filed an Unfair Labor Practice Claim with the Illinois Labor Relations Board.  We have not ruled out taking legal action and are exploring this option in response to this blatant violation of the union contract.  We will continue to update the membership as more information becomes available.    
ISEA, Laborers’ Local 2002 Staff

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