Serving Illinois State Employees Since 1923

Monday, March 2, 2015

Governor's Budget Breakdown

Here is a link to the Governor's Budget that designates specific Agency spending, i.e. programs, staffing, etc. 

Please note under CMS Group Insurance (Chapter 3-21), the Governor proposes nearly a $1.2 billion reduction. This line item covers health care benefits for State employees. 

Also, in Chapter 3-25, the State Employees Retirement System proposal reduces this line item from $1.1 billion to $855 million. 

Although some Agencies may see increases in their budgets, such as Corrections, keep in mind his budget proposes draconian cuts on health care insurance and SERS funding.

In closing, this is the Governor's proposal which must be debated and passed by both the House and the Senate. The House and Senate did not conduct an analysis of the Governor's Budget because they were not given an advanced copy of it. If one is performed, we will share with the membership.

We want our members to know and understand what the Governor is proposing and we will do everything in our power to protect and restore health care and retiree benefits. 

To view, click this link-   Governor's Budget

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