Serving Illinois State Employees Since 1923

Friday, January 8, 2016


Dear Members,

The word is out that the Governor has declared impasse in the negotiations with AFSCME and its membership. 

We have already received some calls on this matter so we wanted to be sure to inform our membership. 

VR-704 is a security unit and does not have the right to strike. We are NOT at impasse at this time, but even if we were, the unresolved issues would be decided by a 3rd party arbitrator in Interest Arbitration. 

At this time we are awaiting negotiation dates confirmation from the State. As soon as we get confirmation, we will let you know and continue to keep you updated on the status of negotiations. 

Again, the Governor declaring impasse with AFSCME does NOT impact our Union and its members. We will continue to meet and negotiate with the State and bargain in good faith.


Mike, Kendra, and Kelly

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